MAKE YOUR ACCORDION MIDI ! Let Have you always wanted to enter the exciting world of MIDI but didnt have a MIDI accordion and werent ready to spend several thousands of dollars on a new midi accordion? Well, now your wait is over! Music Magic USA is proud to endorse the LIMEX line of next generation MIDI retrofits for virtually all types of accordions, including yours! In the Music Magic USA tradition of quality and value, Music Magic USA presents the worlds most reliable and sophisticated, yet easy to use, accordion systems. With the introduction of the advanced LIMEX line, we can offer you the finest MIDI systems for your new or present accordion at the lowest possible pricing.When you think of MIDI, think of LIMEX and Music Magic USA. E-mail us TODAY at [email protected] for the exciting details on this offer, or call us toll-free at (800) 908-1498.
The LIMEX MIDI Systems AdvantageLIMEX of Austria offers:
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USA/Canada - (888) 887-0975
International - (973) 778-3829
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